The View
The 100 degree weather finally broke and the light on Saturday was heavenly. I went out and discovered what almost everyone with a camera has already figured out. Austin is very photogenic.
I am currently reading a book called "The Last Child in the Woods" which outlines how new generations of kids are spending less time outdoors and why. I havent reached the end yet so I dont have any conclusions for you. Its full of really amazing quotes and passages that I find myself lingering on. One in particular is that "within the city you can't hear, because you hear everything, so you end up hearing nothing." It's the absence of noise that makes us open our ears to the sounds around us.
On the trails that line Lady Bird Lake I find myself listening to the sounds. The most dominant is the crunch crunch of runners and bikers on the limestone gravel. People chatting, talking about their week. Dogs panting, inhaling and exhaling smells around them. Paddles dipping in and out of the water. Swoosh swish of water as the wind blows it against the cement posts. Animals scraping and scratching at the leaves under the bushes.
All photos taken by me.