Year end review 2022
I am a big believer of new years resolutions. I keep a running list of all my new years resolutions in my journals, and at the end of the year I compare all the lists like an accountant and see how well I did over the years. For the most part I feel like I do accomplish what I set out to do. There is something to be said for where you spend your limited time and energy. If you focus on it, and the goal is somewhat achievable, then you can be successful. The trick is to make goals that don’t rely too much on outside influence.
This year was the year I posted the least in my blog. I feel like I hit a creative rut, or a wall. I have done what I set out to do. I did all the projects I had backlogged in my brain. Then I just ran out of ideas. I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted the blog to look like in the future. This has always been a space for me to be creative and come up with ideas.
The national seashore at South Padre Island after a storm. Looking very MAD MAX
We decided to get out of town for thanksgiving break and go to South Padre Island. I’ve never been that far south in Texas but I was in search of good weather and even better surf. The weather didn’t participate and managed to storm all 3 days we were there. We decided to cut our trip short the last day and head home. But the moody weather provided some interesting photographs of the beach. Lots of salt and mist in the air made everything look spooky and magical.
The horizon is completely absent with the storm so close.
It wouldn’t be a beach trip without some photos of beach trash. The plastic waste on the beach is much less in the winter but instead its flooded with microplastics. Plastic bottle lids dominate as well as those little rings on bottles to keep the lid attached.
For the bird fans. We visited the coastal wetlands bird sanctuary and got some impressive photos of a tricolored Heron.
This rather unimpressive photo is quite an accomplishment. I have for the first time photographed a kingfisher. These birds are common in central and south Texas but they are difficult to capture a photo of. Most of the time you hear a kingfisher and never see one. But what a find!
After returning from south Texas and taking a much needed break I began to brainstorm what I wanted to do with my blog in the future. I have set my mind on other types of media. I am eager to record videos or sounds of nature around my neighborhood and beyond. I am hoping to hone some of my skills and focus in on some of the quiet beauty in Austin.
Below is my first video of me trying to learn how to take photos from a kayak. This whole video was a learning experience from the camera to the editing.
The turkey vulture in question from the video, doing its best impression of a bird of prey.
The end of the year is the time to reinvent yourself, if not reinvent reflect. Here is a roll of my favorite photos and my NY resolutions. Thanks for reading!
I have several of these hanging around my house. If you are interested in a print send me an email and I can get you one.
Wear sunscreen everyday
Be kind to myself
Make time to be creative
Acknowledge my accomplishments