Mckinney Falls on Full Display
Whether you are new to Austin or have lived here all your life, McKinney falls holds a special place in your heart. Even as suburbia encroaches on to the border of the park, once inside you feel miles away from the city.
Upper falls, at McKinney falls SP.
A dry October has caused the upper falls to shrink to barely a fountain. However, the fill display of fall is present in the background which makes for a great shot of Onion Creek.
Upstream from Upper Falls
Above the falls limestone pools look like underwater caves. These pools are seasonal homes to catfish, and bass. The larger fish hiding deeper in the water with the younger ones closer to the surface. If you sit on the edge of the bank you might see a monster catfish sulk by in a shadow.
Downstream of Upper Falls
If you hike downstream you are in for a treat. Onion creek winds through a riverbed banked with large cypress trees. The slow moving water trickles over rocks and logs echoing through the forest. Here is where you might see the most wildlife, off the busy trails.
Blanchard’s Cricket frog Acris blanchardi
With all of the dry weather, the grasshoppers and crickets were covering the trails. Its no surprise that the cricket frog mad an appearance. This individual was not interested in moving from its rock, so I gave it some space.
Overall a great way to spend the afternoon.